Image reconstruction with MiRA

Yeti is an extension of Yorick (a fast interpreted interactive data processing language written by David Munro).

Last Version

Yeti is now hosted on GitHub: This is where you'll found the last versions of Yeti.

Old Versions

You'll find below old versions of Yeti.

Yeti Source

The following Yeti source packages are available:

Pre-compiled Packages

I have precompiled Yorick and Yeti on various architectures. The following packages are available:

Pre-compiled FFTW Library

For Yeti-FFTW plugin, you need FFTW version 2.1.5 (the new API in version 3 is not supported). You can download the code of FFTW from the official site then compile and install FFTW library yourself (you'll need the double precision version for Yeti). Otherwise, you can download and install one of the following precompiled versions: