- News from z~6-10 galaxy candidates found behind gravitational lensing
[abs, ps, pdf, other] :
D. Schaerer (Obs Genevea, OMP),
R. Pello (OMP),
E. Egami (Tucson),
A. Hempel (Obs Geneva),
J. Richard (OMP),
J.-F. Le Borgne (OMP),
J.-P. Kneib (OAMP, Caltech),
M. Wise (Amsterdam),
F. Boone (LERMA),
F. Combes (LERMA)
Comments: 6 pages, figs included. To appear in "At the Edge of the Universe:
latest results from the deepest astronomical surveys", Eds. Jose Afonso,
Henry Ferguson and Ray Norris, ASP Conf. Series, in press
- Searching for the first galaxies through gravitational lenses
[abs, ps, pdf, other]
D. Schaerer (1,2),
R. Pello (2),
J. Richard (2),
E. Egami (3),
A. Hempel (1),
J.F. Le Borgne (2),
J.-P. Kneib (4,5),
M. Wise (6),
F. Boone (7),
F. Combes (7) ((1) Geneva Observatory, Sauverny, Switzerland, (2) Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, Toulouse, France, (3) Steward Observatory, Tucson, USA, (4) OAMP, Marseille, France, (5) Caltech Astronomy, Pasadena, USA, (6) Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (7) Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France)
Comments: Comments: 4 pages, 4 colour figures, can also be downloaded via
this http URL
Journal-ref: ESO Messenger 125 (2006) 20-23
- Looking for z>7 galaxies with the Gravitational Telescope
[abs, ps, pdf, other]
Roser Pelló (1),
Johan Richard (1),
Daniel Schaerer (2,1),
Jean-François Le Borgne (1),
Jean-Paul Kneib (3),
Angela Hempel (2)
(1) Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, (2) Geneva Observatory,(3) Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille
5 pages, 2 figures. Conference proceedings: "The Fabulous Destiny
of Galaxies: Bridging Past and Present", Marseille, June 2005
- Very High-Redshift Lensed Galaxies
[abs, ps, pdf, other]
(1) LAOMP/Toulouse (2) Geneva Observatory, (3) Caltech
14 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of IAU
Symposium No. 225: The Impact
of Gravitational Lensing on Cosmology,
Y. Mellier and G. Meylan, Eds
- The EMIR observing program manager system science simulator (DOWNLOAD)
- Spectrophotometric properties of galaxies: automatic measurement
and analysis tools for large surveys (ABSTRACT).
- Observing z>7 sources with the GTC
[abs, ps, pdf, other]
Schaerer (2 and 1),
Richard (1),
-François Le Borgne (1),
Kneib (3,1)
(1) LAOMP/Toulouse (2) Geneva Observatory, (3) Caltech
5 Latex pages, 4 figures,
of the II International Workshop on
Science with the GTC, February
15-17, 2004. To be published in Rev.Mex.A.A. CS
- Searches for high redshift galaxies using gravitational lensing
[abs , ps , pdf , other ]
Richard (1),
Roser Pelló
Jean-Paul Kneib (1,2),
D. Schaerer (3,1),
Michael R. Santos (2),
Richard Ellis (2)
(1) LAOMP/Toulouse, (2) Caltech, (3) Geneva Observatory
Proceedings of the "Multiwavelength Cosmology" conference lead in
Mykonos (17th-20th june 2003). 4 pages, 5 figures
- Properties of Faint Distant Galaxies as seen through
Gravitational Telescopes
[abs , ps , pdf , other ]
Roser Pelló,
Marie Lemoine-Busserolle,
Johan Richard,
Jean-Paul Kneib,
Jean-François Le Borgne,
Review lecture given at "Gravitational Lensing: a unique
tool for cosmology",Aussois, France, January 2003.
To appear in ASP Conf. S., eds. D. Valls-Gabaud & J.-P. Kneib, 26
pages, 8 figures.