A&A, in press
CRAL-Observatoire de Lyon (CNRS: UMR 142), F-69561 Saint-Genis-Laval cedex, France
Parametrizing their light distribution with a Sérsic
profile, we show that the non-homology in the structure
of early-type galaxies has a measurable incidence on
their scaling relations. Indeed, the S´rsic exponent
(i.e., the shape of the photometric profile) correlates
with the residuals to the Fundamental Plane. This correlation
is in excellent agreement with the theoretical expectation for
isotropic galaxies.
Adding together the contributions of: (i) the stellar population,
(ii) the rotational support, and (iii) the non-homology,
fully accounts for the tilt of the Fundamental Plane.
This supports the hypothesis of a constant stellar to dynamical
mass ratio in the luminous region of early-type galaxies.
We confirm the existence of relations between the Sérsic
exponent, n, and the effective radius or the absolute magnitude, and
we give indications for a saturation of this index for the bright
(M_B < -20) or large (r_e > 6.3 kpc) galaxies at a value
compatible with the de Vaucouleurs law (n=4).