Publications de rang A

- A. HyperLEDA III. The catalogue of extragalactic distances, Makarov D., Prugniel P., Terekhova N., Courtois H, Vauglin I., A.&A. 570, 2014
- A. The transmutation of dwarf galaxies : stellar populations, Koleva M., Bouchard A., Prugniel P., De Rijcke S., Vauglin I., MNRAS 428, issue 4, 2949, 2013
- A. An off-axis telescope concept for Antarctica astronomy, Moretto G., Epchtein N., Langlois M., Vauglin I., in SPIE 8444, Ground-based and airborne telescopes IV, 84445E, 2012
- A. The atmospheric parameters and spectral interpolator for the MILES stars, Prugniel P., Vauglin I., Koleva M., A&A. 531, 165, 2011
- A. A catalog of LEDA galaxies with DENIS measurements, Paturel G., Vauglin I., Petit C., Borsenberger J., Epchtein N., Fouqué P., Mamon G., A.&A. 430, 751, 2005
- A. The provisional DENIS I-band catalog of galaxies revisited, Paturel G., Petit C., Vauglin I., A.&A. 405, 1, 2003
- A. Serendipitous detection of galaxies behind the Milky Way from the DENIS survey, Vauglin I., Rousseau J., Paturel G., Borsenberger J., Epchtein N., Fouqué P., Kimeswenger S., Le Bertre T., Mamon G., A.&A. 387, 1, 2002
- A. Seasonal effects in the thermal structure of Saturn's stratosphere from infrared imaging at 10 microns, Ollivier J.L., Billebaud F., Drossart P., Dobrijevic M., Roos Serote M., August-Bernex T., Vauglin I., Astron. Astrophys. 356, 347, 2000
- A. Some noteworthy DENIS galaxies near the galactic plan, Rousseau J., Paturel G., Vauglin I., Schroder A., de Batz B., Borsenberger J., Epchtein N., Fouqué P., Kimeswenger S., Lacombe F., Le Bertre T., Mamon G.A., A.&A. 363, 62, 2000
- A. The DENIS Point Source Catalogue towards the Magellanic Clouds, Cioni M.R., Loup C., Habing H.J., Fouqué P., Bertin E., Deul E., Egret D., Alard C., de Batz B., Borsenberger J., Dennefeld M., Epchtein N., Forveille T., Garzon F., Hron J., Kimeswenger S., Lacombe F., Le Bertre T., Mamon G.A., Omont A., Paturel G., Persi P., Robin A., Rouan D., Simon G., Tiphene D., Vauglin I., Wagner S. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 144, 235, 2000
- A. An Absolute Calibration of DENIS (Deep Near Infrared Southern Sky Survey), Fouqué P., Chevallier L., Cohen M., Galliano E., Loup C., Alard C., de Batz B., Bertin E., Borsenberger J., Cioni M.R., Copet E., Dennefeld M., Derrière S., Deul E., Duc P.A., Egret D., Epchtein N., Forveille T., Garzon F., Habing H.J., Hron J., Kimeswenger S., Lacombe F., Le Bertre T., Mamon G.A., Omont A., Paturel G., Pau S., Persi P., Robin A.C., Rouan D., Schultheis M., Simon G., Tiphene D., Vauglin I., Wagner S.J., A.&A. Suppl. Ser. 141, 313, 2000
- A. Grain populations in M17 south-west star forming complex, Crete E., Giard M., Joblin C., Vauglin I., Léger A., Rouan D., A.&A., 352, 277, 1999
- A. A preliminary databse of DENIS point sources, Epchtein N., Deul E., Derrière S., Borsenberger J., Egret D., Simon G., Alard C., Balázs L.G., de Batz B., Cioni M.R., Copet E., Dennefeld M., Forveille T., Fouqué P., Garzon F., Habing H.J., Holl A., Hron J., Kimeswenger S., Lacombe F., Le Bertre T., Loup C., Mamon G., Omont A., Paturel G., Persi P., Robin A.C., Rouan D., Tiphène D., Vauglin I., Wagner S.J., A. & A. 349, 236, 1999
- A. First DENIS I-band extragalactic catalog, Vauglin I., Paturel G., Borsenberger J., Fouqué P., Epchtein N., Kimmmenswenger S., Tiphène D., Lanoix P., Courtois H., A. & A. Suppl. S., 135, 133, 1999
- A. Extragalactic Database: VII - Reduction of astrophysical parameters, Paturel G., Botinelli L., Di Nella H., Durand N., Garnier R., Gouguenheim L., Lanoix P., Marthinet M.C., Petit C., Rousseau J., Theureau G., Vauglin I., A. & A. Suppl. Ser. 124, 109, 1997
- A. 10 µm mapping of Jupiter at CFHT after the impacts of SL9, Billebaud F., Drossart P., Vauglin I., Merlin P., Sibille F., Lognonné P., Lellouch E., Mosser B., Geophys. Res. Letters, vol 22, n 13, p. 1777, 1995