Monday the 17th
12h - 13h30 : welcome lunch (buffet)
13:30 - 15:45 : Introduction
J. Blaizot (10') - Introduction
R. Teyssier (35'+10') - Review: State of the art in numerical simulations of galaxy formation
S. Charlot (25'+10') - Review: On the derivation of physical properties from spectra and multi-band photometry
O. Le Fèvre (35'+10') - Review: A decade of spectroscopic surveys
15:45 - 16:15 coffee break
16:15 - 17:45 : Very High Redshifts (1/2)
J. Richard (25'+10') - Review: Observational constraints of very high redshift galaxy populations
J. Devriendt (25'+10') - Review: Super-high resolution simulations of high redshift galaxies
J-G. Cuby (15'+5') - ELT perspectives - instrumental challenges and scientific aims
Tuesday the 18th
9:00 - 9:55 : Very High Redshifts (2/2)
B. Sémelin (25'+10') - Review: Simulations and radio observations of the epoch of reionization
A. Verhamme (15'+5') - Simulated Ly-a emission from high-resolution galaxies
9:55 - 10:20 coffee break
10:20 - 12:10 : Physics of the ISM
F. Bournaud (25'+10') - Review: Towards resolving the ISM in numerical simulations
B. Epinat (25'+10') - Review: Observing the physics of the ISM at intermediate redshifts
S. Courty (15'+5') - Chemo-dynamical simulations of galaxy formation
12:10 - 13:50 : lunch break
13:50 - 14:30 : Massive galaxies and signatures of mergers
E. Emsellem (15'+5') - ATLAS-3D, results and perspectives
P.-A. Duc (15'+5') - Ultra deep photometry and the signatures of mergers
14:30 - 16:00 : Statistical approaches to galaxy formation (1/3)
O. Ilbert (25'+10') - Review: Deep optical photometric surveys
E. Le Floc'h (25'+10') - Review: FIR view of galaxy formation
D. Le Borgne (15'+5') - Star formation history from multi-band counts
16:00 - 16:30 coffee break
16:30 - 17:55 : Statistical approaches to galaxy formation (2/3)
L. Tresse (15'+5') - Star Formation Rate Densities and Dust Attenuation through Cosmic Times
A. Cattaneo (35'+5') - Review: Semi-analytic modeling of galaxy formation
S. De La Torre (15'+5') - What clustering tells us about galaxy formation
Wednesday the 19th
9:00 - 9:20 : Statistical approaches to galaxy formation (3/3)
Y. Dubois (15'+5') - Simulating AGN feedback (does it work?)
9:20 - 10:55 : Baryon logistics
C. Péroux (25'+10') - Review: Where are the baryons - constraints from absorption line studies
Y. Rasera (15'+5') - Where are the baryons - cosmological hydrodynamical simulations
J. Rosdahl (15'+5') - The Lyman-alpha luminosity of cold accretion streams at z~3
B. Milliard (15'+5') - Observing UV light at low redshifts - recent successes and perspectives
10:55 - 11:20 : coffee break
11:20 - 12:00 : Concluding remarks and discussion
B. Guiderdoni